Lutein and Zeaxanthin │Best eye supplement - Zealut-Dena


A healthy antioxidant defense system of the retina is important for protection from photo or light damage (also called photodamage), and the main components of this system are carotenoids. Among more than 1,000 known carotenoids, only lutein and zeaxanthin can penetrate ocular tissue. Because the human body cannot synthesize lutein and zeaxanthin, they must be introduced through diet or supplements. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the main pigments in the macula, which is located in the center of the retina and is responsible for visual acuity. It is a paradox of nature that light is the carrier of visual information, but at the same time it is a risk factor for photoreceptor cells and pigment epithelium. Epidemiological data suggest a correlation between the intensity and spectral composition of light and the development of a number of ocular diseases, in particular the condition known as age-related macular degeneration. Prolonged lutein and zeaxanthin deficiency leads to irreversible deterioration of vision.