Privacy policy

Dena International, from now on referred to as “the company,” “Dena,”“we,” “us,” or “our,” provides the following privacy policy regarding the security of its users. The policy applies to information collected by our website, from our website and mobile site, or any other application linked to our website. This section provides information about security of the personal information, comments, data and other related information added by our registered users.

  1. Information Collected

    When a customer creates an account at the Dena International website, the company collects the following information:

    1. Personal Information

      When a customer purchases our product or uses our services, they are required to provide personal information including name, address, contact phone number, and payment details such as a credit card number. Customers are free to visit and browse the site without providing personal information until making a purchase. In some cases, Dena International will collect information about demographics, personal preferences, and characteristics in order to offer customers the right products.

    2. General Information

      General information that might be collected include the IP address, internet service provider, browser type, pages of our website visited, time spent on each page, language used, originating URL if user links to our website from another page, referring pages, as well as search information. We might save the preferences that provide us with information that can help to further develop our services.

  2. Information Usage

    The company may use personal and general information for following reasons:

    • To contact the customer: answer inquiries, respond to comments, provide extra information, etc.
    • To process the order: If the customer decides to purchase a product from our website, we will use the information for processing the order.
    • Marketing: Some information (mainly demographics) may be used for marketing and advertising purposes, but no specific information (e.g.,credit card numbers) will be visible.
    • Promotions: We will use contact information and preferences to inform customers about special promotions and offers.
    • Surveys: We might send surveys that will help us to develop features and improve the shopping and purchasing experience for customers.
  3. Information Sharing

    We can share information collected from our users with following parties:

    • Marketers/Analysts: The information gathered can be shared with marketers or analysts to get more information about the status of our business and opportunities for bringing our business to a new stage.
    • Legal authorities: We will share information in the event that we are compelled to by law (required by court orders or any other legal orders).
    • Service providers: We will provide required information to service providers if they need to perform business related tasks.
    • Transactions: We will share information with our business partners in the event of business transactions, such as sales, liquidation, etc.
  4. Opt-Out

    Customers are free to adjust preferences at any time, including receiving promotional materials and closing an account. When creating an account, customers can opt-in for receiving newsletters, offers and other e-mail from the company, or adjust these settings according to preference. Customers may un-subscribe anytime after creating an account.

  5. Security

    Dena undertakes all possible precautions to keep customer information secure from unauthorized access or disclosure.

  6. Cookies

    When entering our website from a computer or mobile device, the use of cookies ensures correct loading of content and illustrations. Users can manage, delete and/or block cookies, but should be aware that they will not be able to use specific features of the website.

  7. Governing Law

    All rights and obligations of both parties are undertaken under governing law of the State of California, USA.

  8. Updates

    The Privacy Policy may be updated by the company to meet different requirements with or without notice. You can check for updates on the Privacy Policy page.